Saturday, September 1, 2007

Words Of Wisdom

Jacko's Words of Wisdom

Why do I trade Forex?

Because I am ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that this is the best "business" in the world.

There are:

no rent of offices (that is, NO dealing with Realtors, Lawyers, and government, what a pain in the ass). Also no office fit-out costs

no staff, (man, unless you have had large numbers of staff depending on YOU for their

paypacket each week, you cannot know what a huge pain in the ass it is. They ALL want you to

solve their problems)

No inventory or stock to buy. No shrinkage (theft of stock) and no "slow moving" items. No

massive amount of funds tied up in inventory

You can "borrow" as much as you want (by increasing your leverage), WHENEVER you want.

(Try running a big business and going to the bank for a short term loan for $10 will take

a month minimum). I am trading $10-12 mill all the time and I get it instantly through the

brokers by the use of leverage.

If the business becomes a hassle for whatever reason, you can shut it down (that is, close all

positions) instantly...and re-open (initiate new positions) whenever YOU want to re-open your


You can "scale" your business to whatever size YOU want simply by increasing/decreasing

your positions.

Absolutely minimal paperwork. Simply send your 12 month summary Profit and Loss

Statement to your Financial Accountant for tax payment purposes.

You can trade from anywhere in the world. My wife and I travel most of the year. (take your

laptop or PDA or whatever else they will come up with and trade while sipping a nice drink as

close by as your local cafe or as far as some open air cafe in some remote little town in beautiful

Italy while you watch a bocce match at the park.)

I could keep telling you more of the benefits of this business, but suffice to say...this is the best

"business" in the world. I run a multi-multimillion dollar business from my laptop.

And did I mention that it was exciting and fun????

source: mr.jacko. profesional trader

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